what to do with our anger

As part of our human experience, we all have the occasion to become angry. I’m not talking about being annoyed or irritated. I’m talking about gut-wrenching, foot-stomping, cry-your-eyes-out anger.

When it’s for ourselves, it feels like a pity party, complete with crying and feelings of depression. When it’s for our loved ones, it revs up to an even higher level. When I’m angry over something done to my husband or children, I’m ready to kick butt and take names!

I believe anger is part of our story of suffering. In Glorious Ruin by Tullian Tchividjian, he says, “Suffering is suffering, and it’s universal.” He says that all of our hurts are legitimate and real. Anger creates hurt that is legitimate and real.

So…what do we do with our anger? How do handle the suffering associated with it?

In my experience, there are only two things I can do about anger.

1.  Let some time pass.

Time is not only healing…it’s powerful. I can use time to:

Get some resolve.
What am I going to accept?

Take control.
What can I do to change the course of things?

Refocus priorities.
Do I need to put my efforts somewhere else?

Get fired up!
How can I use this energy to fuel actions?

Prepare for spiritual intervention.
Do I trust God to help me?

2.  When ready, ask God to remove it.

Another thing Tchividjian says in his book is that GOD DOES FOR US WHAT WE CANNOT DO FOR OURSELVES. My experience with anger is that ONLY GOD has been able to completely eradicate it from my mind, heart, and soul.

But only after some time has passed; and,
I know I’m really, really ready; and,
I get on my knees and pray a prayer begging God to remove it.

I’m here to testify that He does…and He will do it again…when I’m ready.

2 thoughts on “what to do with our anger

  1. Great and encouraging words; however there is another option, Janet, you could go Postal. Oh….wait that is not an option for us Christians.

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