what if I can’t be fixed?

I remember the season of life when my parents began showing signs of aging. They became slower in their driving, repeated things they had already told me, and didn’t “get” what I was saying to them. I was frustrated. Angry, really. I didn’t like that they weren’t the same as they used to be. It wasn’t their fault, of course. But I was frustrated, nonetheless.

I’m pretty sure I’ve now reached that season.
–I’m fatter
–I’m slower
–I don’t sleep
–I have aches and pains
–I take medication
–I have more doctor visits on my calendar
–There’s more…but you get the idea!

In his effort to help me, my husband recently began making suggestions for all my issues. Finally, out of frustration, I said, “Well, what if I’m just going to be the way I am from now on? What if I can’t be ‘fixed.’ Will you still be able to love me if this is it?”

No sooner had I said it,

…I thought of my parents. I had had to work through some frustration before I was able to let go and love them with their aging minds and bodies that can’t be fixed.

…I thought of my patients. I’ve seen faithful husbands sit by wives and faithful wives sit by husbands who have experienced a debilitating disease or sudden illness that left them with health issues that can’t be fixed.

…I thought of my friends. As members of the “sandwich generation,” they deal with things that can’t be fixed for themselves, their parents, their adult children, or their grandchildren on any given day.

In all of these, there is someone—a family member or friend—who is making a choice to love when their loved one can’t be fixed. It doesn’t come without a price—sorrow, frustration, patience, grief—and it doesn’t happen overnight. But, in the end, if reflects perfect love. Like the kind of love God demonstrated through his son, Jesus Christ.

I’m thankful for a heavenly father, and an earthly husband, who demonstrate that kind of love for me.


“For I am persuaded that not even death or life, angels or rulers, things present or things to come, hostile powers, height or depth, or any other created thing will have the power to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!” (Romans 8:38-39, HCSB)

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